The Ferring Philosophy “People come first at Ferring” was introduced in January 2004 and encapsulates the ideals of Ferring’s founders

► Patients using our products and physicians prescribing them have a right to expect:
- That we will only make available those products in which we have full confidence.
- That we will offer the best possible products at the most reasonable cost.
► Ferring seeks the loyalty of these patients and physicians, and we are prepared to earn this loyalty anew every day.
► Ferring expects that its employees will create value for the company and its stakeholders.
► Ferring employees, at all levels, have a right to expect from the company and their colleagues:
- Respect, support and encouragement.
- A work environment that is safe, stimulating and rewarding.
- The freedom to make mistakes and to admit to them without fear of retribution.
- That the highest standards of integrity will be maintained at all times.
- That colleagues will never knowingly do anything to compromise their position as Ferring employees.
- That all who represent Ferring will do so in ways that generate respect for the company and its employees.
► Always do what is right, proper and ethical, and encourage your colleagues to do so.
► Speak out when you think that wrongs are being committed in Ferring’s name.
► Be loyal, but only to that which is just, equitable, honourable and principled – and true to the Ferring philosophy.
No statement of principled behaviour can ever cover every situation, or deal with every contingency. It can only set the tone, making each individual responsible for applying that tone to his or her everyday practice
We strive to set that tone with five simple words: “People come first at Ferring”